Jul 28, 2022
On today’s episode, Alecia Barnette, the Senior Vice President of Care Planning at FIG, joins us once more for her quarterly review of trends going on inside long-term care and long-term care insurance. A lot of changes are coming to the industry!
Carriers are listening and are creating innovative products for our clients, elevating the long-term care industry services we offer. Alecia is going to break down these trends, potential legislation impacting long-term care, keynote seminars she offers, and much more.
Contact Alecia: teambarnette@figmarketing.com
Listen for these key points:
1:47 – What is going on with the carriers we work with?
6:30 – Legislation that may be impacting the industry
10:16 - Education workshops and keynote seminars
14:35 – Switching to thought leadership
17:41 – How do people get in contact with you?