Jun 25, 2021
In this episode, Tom speaks with Brad Swineheart of White Glove about using data metrics and tracking what are the best ways for advisors to work with their clients. He shares some of the upcoming projects that White Glove is incorporating into their business model, and how they hope to bring a simpler approach to a chaotic industry for financial professionals.
About Brad Swineheart:
Brad is the Senior Vice President of Business Development at White Glove, an industry leader in innovating ways of marketing for financial advisors. He focuses on building genuine partnerships and tracking data that help advisors efficiently grow their business.
Company Website: https://whiteglove.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bradswineheart/
Key Moments:
2:24 - Brad Shares What White Glove Does In Marketing
9:41 - The Top Marketing Strategies To Use In The Era Of Free Information
13:13 - Being Open To New Forms Of Communication And Tracking The Data
19:07 - Looking For Where To Make Most Efficient Marketing Recommendations To Clients
24:08 - How To Simplify Marketing For Advisors
27:44 - Future Projects and Changes Coming To Marketing
Contact Retirement Inside Out:
Email: tom.lamendola@figmarketing.com
Phone: 800-527-1155
Web: figmarketing.com