Jul 9, 2021
As we go through life, we will encounter many peaks and valleys. At times it can be easy to give up on a goal, or a dream you have, but you must persevere to achieve greatness. We invite Marques Ogden to today’s show and he will talk about the importance of being resilient and finding a purpose.
About Marques Ogden:
Before Marques was a speaker, he was in the NFL for 5 years. He played for 5 years as an offensive lineman with the Titans, Bills, Ravens and Jaguars. He went on to launch a construction business that ultimately failed. In order to provide for his family, Marques took a job as a janitor. He knew that he couldn’t stay complacent in this position forever, so he started pursuing public speaking. Fast forward to now, Marques is an executive coach, keynote speaker, and corporate trainer.
Company Website: https://bit.ly/3dw3neF
Key Moments:
1:49 - Marques’s Background
5:02 - What’s Your “Why?”
8:06 - Connecting To Prospective Clients
10:59 - Diversity & Inclusion
15:22 - The Importance Of Coaching
Contact Retirement Inside Out:
Email: tom.lamendola@figmarketing.com
Phone: 800-527-1155
Web: figmarketing.com